
时间:2023-09-04 09:10:52 英语作文 我要投稿




春节的英语作文 篇1

  The Lunar New Year is a great occasion to the Chinese people. It lasts about the first four days of the year, during which people do not work except for the workers on duty. Students do not go to school, and shops are closed.

  Several days before the new year, people begin to prepare. Farmers kill pigs, sheep, cocks and hens. City dwellers buy meat fish and vegetables. Houses are cleaned; coupletsare posted on the doors. Colourful lanterns are hung at the gate.

  On the eve of the new year, each family has its members gatherd together and eats a family reunion dinner. After the meal they watch TV until the clock strickes twelve. Then every family sets off long strings of small firecrackers and other fire works to welcome the new year. On the first day of the new year, almost everyone is dressed in his or her best. When people meet on the way, they say to each other "Happy New Year". Friends and relatives pay new year calls and gives presents to each other. Children indulge themselves in games.





春节的英语作文 篇2

  An important activity during the Spring Festival bainian (to pay a New Year call). People start to pay New Year calls from the lunar New Year's Day, that , the first day of the first month of the lunar calendar. Ever since the Ming Dynasty in the 14th century, ordinary people have begun to exchange greeting cards on th day.


  On the morning of the lunar New Year's Day, people get up very early and call on others. The earlier one does so, the more sincere he . Moreover, people wear new clothes and a new cap, symbolizing that a new year has begun.


  The younger generation should call on their elders first, such as the grandfather, grandmother, father and mother, whing them "Good health" and "Long life". Then the elders give children some money in a red envelope as a New Year gift. After that, people call on their relatives, friends and neighbors. As "big tangerine" a homonym for "very lucky" in Chinese, so people often present red big tangerines as a gift while paying a New Year call.


  Nowadays, besides greeting cards, people also use telephones and e-mails to pay New Year calls.


春节的英语作文 篇3

  Chinese New Year is the tradition festival in China.It is the same as the christmas day in the west country,it is welcome the new year.

  It is the day that the families get together.

  The spring festival is usually in the February ,sometimes in January.In the spring festival,every family all paste the lucky inscriptions,they fire the cracker,they eat the dumplings.The day before the new year's first day is the new year's eve,same as the christmas eve,all the families get together to have the new yaar's dinner,wishes each other,talk about the wishes about the new year.Small children will receive the money given to children as a lunar new year gift.

春节的英语作文 篇4

  To the Chinese people it as important as Chrtmas to people in the West.The dates for th annual celebration are determined by the lunar calendar rather than the GREgorian calendar,so the timing of the holiday varies from late January to early February.

  To the ordinary Chinese,the festival actually begins on the eve of the lunar New Year's Day and ends on the fifth day of the first month of the lunar calendar.But the 15th of the first month,which normally called the Lantern Festival,means the official end of the Spring Festival in many parts of the country.

春节的英语作文 篇5

  I had a good time during Spring Festival。

  This morning,I got up at six o'clock。Then I brushed my teeth and washed my face。After that,I had breakfast with my parents。At noon,I went to my grandparents' house and visited my aunts,uncles and cousins。In the afternoon,we made dumplings together。In the evening,we had dumplings,sweet and sour pork,and lots of nice dishes for dinner。After dinner,my parents and I went home。We set off fireworks and went to bed then。

  We were all very happy。That was a nice Spring Festival。

春节的英语作文 篇6

  Lights before the Spring Festival, every family, every family dressed house having a unique style, each have each personality. They bought them to put out all fit inside. Bought New Year paintings how stick method, then each have their own style and preferences. Some dish, some backwards, and the crooked stick, each has his strong point. People buy vegetables all fixed, such as the Spring Festival comes, only can be a festival. Families with firecrackers, people wear new clothes, preparing New Year, before the Spring Festival, people go out, if met good friends, always mouth don't forget to say: "the streets!"

  The Spring Festival, the children will get up early, to mom and dad's room, the traditional New Year ceremony. The children of parents said some lucky though, my parents brought out New Year's money, let the children happily. Everybody hope this year to luck, a thriving business.

  Some friends and family together, taste the wine, talked some happy message. And the most happy is, we can take off to save money, and then happy running up the street to buy a lot of fun things, such as cars, buggies, toy guns, football, etc., and as long as our mouth sweet a bit, say more blessed penis, that can make a lot of money!

春节的英语作文 篇7


  After the Spring Festival, we have to set off firecrackers, eat reunion rice, and eat lantern lantern. Put the word of firecrackers for boys must be very familiar. We want to play firecrackers during the Spring Festival because it means that next year, we hope that our family can be reunited, we can have a happy family, peace and security, as well as some other meanings such as financial luck.

  今年过年放鞭炮,使我知道了鞭炮的由来,今年过春节大家吃完团圆饭要放鞭炮。今年我和几个小伙伴们吃完团圆饭去放鞭炮,我们几个觉得这十分无聊,我们便开始在地上干坐着。其中一个小伙伴给我们说起了鞭炮的起源:“相传,中国古时候有一种叫”年“的怪兽,头长触角,凶猛异常。”年“长年深居海底,每到除夕才爬上岸,吞食牲畜伤害人命。因此,每到除夕这天,村村寨寨的人们扶老携幼逃往深山,以躲避”年“兽的伤害。这年除夕,桃花村的人们正扶老携幼上山避难,从村外来了个乞讨的老人,只见他手拄拐杖,臂搭袋囊,银须飘逸,目若朗星。乡亲们有的封窗锁门,有的.收拾行装,有的牵牛赶羊,到处人喊马嘶,一片匆忙恐慌景象。这时,谁还有心关照这位乞讨的老人。 只有村东头一位老婆婆给了老人些食物,并劝他快上山躲避”年“兽,那老人捋髯笑道:”婆婆若让我在家呆一夜,我一定把“年”兽撵走。 老婆婆惊目细看,见他鹤发童颜、精神矍铄,气宇不凡。可她仍然继续劝说,乞讨老人笑而不语……“当他讲完时我们都说他知识丰富。

  I know the origin of firecrackers in the Spring Festival this year. This year, after the Spring Festival, we have to set off firecrackers after the Spring Festival. This year, some of my friends and I finished the reunion dinner to set off firecrackers. We thought it was very boring and we began to sit on the ground. A small partner told us the origin of firecrackers: "according to legend, in ancient China, there was a monster named" year ", with long head antennae, fierce and unusual. "Years of hiding the sea, every new year's Eve just climbed out, devouring livestock harm human life. Therefore, every new year's Eve, people help the aged and the young stockaded village fled to the mountains to escape the "year" beast. This new year's Eve, peach blossom village people are help the aged and the young mountain refuge, from the village outside begging for the elderly, saw hiscrutches, arm take the bag, silver to be elegant, eye if Lang stars. Some villagers sealed windows locked, some packed up, some Thunbergia sheep, everywhere a hurried panic scene of men shouting and horses neighing. At this time, who has the heart to take care of the begging old man. Only village as an old woman gave the old man some food, and urged him to speed up the mountain to escape the "year" beast, the old man smiled stroking beard: "if her mother let me stay at home one night, I have the" year "beast out. Head scared the old lady look at, to see him healthy spirit, bearing extraordinary. But she still continued to persuade, begging the old man to laugh without saying... "When he finished, we all said he was rich in knowledge.


  This year's new year has really benefited me.

春节的英语作文 篇8

  There are a lot of things that make people happy in the Spring Festival. What makes me happy is that my brother and I go downstairs and put firecrackers down.

  I remember the evening of the new year thirty, after we finished the reunion dinner, my brother and I ran like a fly, and in the small garden, I thought about how to play more fun. Finally, we came up with a good idea, brother of earth dug with an iron bar, then I will be a lit "mine" thrown in, brother just quickly buried on the soil. Then, we hide behind a tree, and so we have unfinished paternity hide, only to hear "bang behind!" A loud, both my brother and I are mud, we are scared Yizheng first, then look like each other's music ha ha. This time, two times, three times... All the time we had finished the cannons in our hands, and we turned into "mud dolls" and stopped. Then, we put rockets, mouse gun....... What we like most is the mouse gun, and it "squeaks" when it flies out. It's like saying, "I want God!" I want God? Clumsy sand? Hemorrhoids?

  When the bell of new year is going to ring, fireworks begin to smell everywhere in the dark sky. The colorful fireworks are blooming in the night like flowers. My brother and I are all excited to shout.

  The Spring Festival is the day the children play, adults or visiting relatives and friends of the day. My mother took me to the East, the west, and had a lot of good times with my friends and friends.

  The Spring Festival, how unforgettable!










