
时间:2022-07-02 18:36:47 英语作文 我要投稿




成长英语作文 篇1

  How times flies! Now I am a student in Grade Nine and facing the first turning point in my school life. This title “Growing pains and gains” reminds me of the meaningful school life. The colourful life is full of my happineand sorrows.

  In school, I have to take a lot of lessons. Some are interesting while some are boring. But it’s the responsibility of the students to learn them all well. I have to try my best. During my growing time, a lot of trouble worried me. That’s awful and makes me blue.

  Although I met with a lot of failure, I still have a lot of gains. I can make a pricelefriendship. I can learn a large number of useful things---to be kind, friendly to others, to be confident and independent and so on.

成长英语作文 篇2

  From prattles and toddler to not fear difficulties, go forward, in which we all grow, it is also the transformation growth of the time and time again, I had a deeper understanding of growth. Through this transformation, we grow, although there will be painful company, but this is also our path.

  The cold night, a little white night light, makes everything seem so desolate. I was on my way home alone, with only a few people around me, like a poor bum.

  A lamp, shooting the white light, a red circle on the paper is more vivid and clear. Looked at the red circle on the paper, mind can not help but think of father's serious expression, as if, like a spear thorn in my heart, even brother that caring vision was to his disdain, I really fail?

  A sudden surge of confidence and upward flow came to my heart, and a stream of cold water rushed into my face and pulled back my sinking heart. Can't I really stand up? No, even in the dark, I will use my own determination to open up a bright path to success.

  The teacher told me: failure is not terrible, terrible is not to get up from the failure of the confidence. I use the pen as the wheel, with determination as the engine, with that incessant reading sound to cheer the slogan. I was walking in the vast sea of books, thinking and struggling. I knew that the journey to the gate of learning the temple was hard, so I tried harder to regain my confidence.

  The crow woke up the sleeping sun, ushered in the dawn of a new day, I came to the toilet, a handful of cold water to make myself more sober, a smile, I can.

  In the afternoon, as the bell rang, other students walked out of the classroom to eat, but I was struggling with a difficult problem. When I couldn't think of a way to solve the problem, I asked the teacher, and in the careful explanation of the teacher, I felt "the village of the willows", and then I came to the canteen with a satisfied smile. And so, in a day insist on efforts, I finally improved, although in this which I have been tired, tired, bitter, even had to give up the idea of, but in the end I still insist on down, and the faith of the heart is still there.

  When I cross another mountain, looking back, I can't help thinking that this is the transformation of growth. Growing up is like a boat in my life, traveling on the waves, sometimes calm, sometimes turbulent waves. Although my boat of growth is not smooth sailing, there will also be a variety of wind waves. But for me, even if the sour and sweet and bitter taste, but I believe that this is the taste of growth!

成长英语作文 篇3

  "Hoo-hoo! Time flies, and the blink of an eye passes. I have grown up a lot in this year. Many things have happened in the course of the year. One of the things that I never remember, it was a sunny morning, it was very hot, I went out shopping with my mother, I was very hot with the sun. I pestered my mother and asked my mother to buy me a Popsicle, and my mother bought two, and I threw the stick straight on the ground after I had finished eating. Suddenly, I heard a little brother calling me, and I turned around and saw that a little brother had left him alone and walked on. The little brother still cried "sister, sister." He ran up to me and said, "sister, you dropped something." He put the stick in his hand to show me.

  I still ignored him, and he ran up to me and said; "Sister, it is wrong of you to do so. The teacher said, can't litter." I was ashamed to bow my head, alas, I am so much longer than this little brother!

  I don't throw litter any more!

成长英语作文 篇4

  Good morning! I’m very glad to stand here and give you a short speech.

  Man’s life is a process of growing up, actually I’m standing here is a growth. If a person’s life must constituted by various choices, then I grow up along with these choices. Once I hope I can study in a college in future, however that’s passed, as you know I come here, now I wonder what the future holds for me. When I come to this school, I told to myself: this my near future, all starts here. Following I will learn to become a man, a integrated man, who has a fine body, can take on important task, has independent thought, an open mind, intensive thought, has the ability to judge right and wrong, has a perfect job.

  Once my teacher said :” you are not sewing, you are stylist; never forget which you should lay out to people is your thought, not craft.” I will put my personality with my interest and ability into my study, during these process I will combine learning with doing. If I can achieve this “future”, I think that I really grow up. And I deeply believe kindred, good-fellowship and love will perfection and happy in the future.

  How to say future? Maybe it’s a nice wish. Lets make up our minds, stick to it and surely well enjoy our life.

成长英语作文 篇5









  Hugo said: "art Avenue on the thorns, this is also a good thing, ordinary people flinch, only the strong will of the people。" When the door of success is open for you, don't lose your chance to grow up because of fear。 Don't lose your head because of shyness。

  Sharpening makes people persistent, let us grow up。 Edison failed many times in the process of invention and creation, but he still bothered to do experiments。 Someone asked him, "Why have you failed countless times, and you have to study persistently?"" He calmly replied, "I didn't fail because I found 350 thousand unsuccessful ways。"!" Failure is also the mother of success。 How can success come without this dedication? If there is no courage to face the difficulties, how can there be a breakthrough and thrive in life?

  April showers bring May flowers。 Did not experience the boiling water drench tea will not Qin sweet tea, no experience of running the shellfish always pregnant not bright pearl, did not experience the wind and frost will never grow into tall bamboo bamboo。

  Sharpening makes people tolerant, let us lose impetuous。 Mandela stayed in the prison for 27 years。 His white guards were unfriendly to him, and used all sorts of means to torture him。 When Mandela was released from prison in 1991 and run for president of South Africa, he at the inauguration, specially grateful at the Robben Island prison guards his people, his broad mindedness is all in awe。 He explained to reporters, "young is grumpy, it is in prison practice will have today。"。 He also said: "when I walked out of prison, the prison gates to freedom crossed, I have been very clear, if not the sadness and bitterness left behind, so I'm really still in prison。" If there is no tolerance, how can he move from the prisoner to the president? If he is not optimistic, how can he change from a impetuous youth into a mature and stable person?

  Sharpening makes people work hard, let us have power。 Dumas presentation around the wall, he as a writer's father said: "if your department is my son, maybe things will be better!" "I don't want to stand on your shoulder and pick apples。 They don't smell like apples。"!" Dumas a face of calm but firm tone to his father's kindness。 Again and again failed, again and again stand up, finally, he to "Camellia girl" world—famous。 When he was asked why he didn't put his real name on the list, he smiled and replied, "because I want to have real height。"!" If you do not exert yourself, how can you gradually grow up, from the unfamiliar style of writing gradually delicate smooth?

  Meet the difficulties, to help the growth of zhu。 Friends, let us grow up in the grinding, in the sharpening strong!

  Meet the ups and downs, remember it is useless rockery; Xiaoying bumpy, remember it only by a magnifying glass over the difficulties; meet the ups and downs, remember it is just people your heart; meet the ups and downs, remember that it is the insurmountable barrier!

成长英语作文 篇6

  Person's life, start is a with the corner stone, later in the life of grinding smooth round, flowing stone is the trace of growth, growth is probably everyone will experience metamorphosis.

  It takes a lot of pain to grow up. Young hearts always seem to be full of this stubborn and unafraid. I seem to see a way of standing at the turning point of the tang dynasty with romantic and heroic. As a young man, he is not afraid of his ambition. But after the chaos, he fell into a state of "wu huang's rise to heaven, gaunt and emaciated". The darkness that has never been before has enveloped him, and since the wheel of history cannot change, he has chosen to change himself. He continued to grind his teeth and work hard at it. Finally, he regained the top of the poem. The seemingly dim past, but the pearl in the tang dynasty of the tang dynasty. From his youth to his prosperity, he wrote his life in different ways. No matter when you turn back, it's a new starting point, and you've been wounded by a dazzling medal on your chest.

  Growing up must learn to tame your emotions. As a giant in the field of anthropology, malinowski lived on the island in the first world war. Long observation made him know a lot about life on the island. Later, the official material presented by malinowski was filled with enthusiasm for the island. To his surprise, in his diary after his death, he had a variety of grievances and even curses on the island's life and people. In the face of the public, he presents justice and objectivity. It is a "mature responsibility", an act of reason above emotion. Learn to think rationally, control your own emotions, and grow up inadvertently.

  Be good at listening to your life. Kawabata once said, "when you can spend the morning with an old man and listen to his wonderful or not wonderful life story, it shows that you are mature." The young man's heart is always hot, and the old man's pursuit is plain and serene. That kind of enthusiasm is unworldly innocence and curiosity, that kind of indifference after the vicissitudes of life. Learn to listen to your elders' understanding of life, cut a pot of hot tea, and feel the warmth of life.

  Time makes people sink, space makes people grow. He can make a pot of mature wine become more flavorful, and it can make a big tree grow more decadent. Montaigne said, "man is always going to grow and decline." It seems that recession and growth always go hand in hand, and this is an undetectable process, like an overwhelming disease that is pressing you. When we become brave, mature, and indifferent, what we want to keep is the original heart, which is the strongest motivation for growth.

成长英语作文 篇7

  That day, I come home from school, after finishing the homework, according to the conventional, get diary, suddenly, I discovered diary was moved, I suddenly fire emit three zhangs, want to know is they. I got out of the bedroom, loudly asked them whether seen my diary? They say that the legitimate instead of all know me, is their obligations.

  I can't take any more, I just want to own a piece of blue sky, why are you so selfish take it, is want to know me? I returned to the room, feel oneself have nothing, alas! Why parents in total want to

  know when we grow up, we don't want to let us have his own ideas, alas! So cruel!

成长英语作文 篇8

  From the picture we can see a family of three walking on a long red carpet. The son , well dressed, waves proudly in the middle while the father behind bends forward to hold the jacket and the mother in front rolls out the carpet, sweating.

  It shows a common phenomenon nowadays that children are the focus of families, shouldering the hope of their parents. Parents arrange everything for their children and spare no effort to pave the way for their success. As a consequence, children become so reliant on their parents that they have no independent thought or creative ideas.

  Such a situation is of great concern. In my opinion, overprotection and too much care are extremely bad for children’s development. Instead of doing everything for them, parents should encourage their children to overcome difficulties and inspire them to develop by themselves. Only in this way can they grow up to be independent and become truly successful.

成长英语作文 篇9


  One day, my mother asked me to take a bus to my father's factory and play with my sister.


  Today, I got dressed early in the morning and had a good breakfast and waited at the bus stop. Then I saw the 601 bus coming here, like a roaring car. I had just entered the door and found a spot. So I sat down. Thinking: "my luck is really good, just got on the train and saw a seat.". At the station again, a large crowd came in, crowding in like a crowd. One of the old ladies came along with a stick. She came up to me and stopped and pulled up the handle. On the road, because of the uneven surface of the road, the car kept shaking, and the station is almost unstable. So I stood up and said to my grandmother, "sit there, granny."!" "Thank you, little boy."." The old woman said, and sat down. Then I heard the bus stop and I said "Bye" to my grandmother. I got off the bus."


  Ah! Helping others is a real pleasure!

成长英语作文 篇10

  Growth is the growth of age and body, more representative of the growth of the soul, the composition of my growth "foot" trace. From the little things in life, we can see that we are growing.

  Wash your feet when you are 5 years old

  Remember when I was five years old, I loved to wash my feet. When I saw grandma pouring water, I was happy to jump three feet high. Little feet in the basin, like two happy little fish, never quiet down. When my grandmother came close to me, the room was like a fountain. I laughed mischievously when I saw my grandmother spattered with water. I will not give up until the basin is dry. See my work, my grandma and my body and face, no one is dry, the ground also just rained, I happily claps, fifth grade composition composition my growth "foot" trace ".

  Whenever grandma put me to bed, she quietly dragged the ground clean.

  Wash your feet when you are eight years old

  When I was eight years old, I wanted to know more about myself. He would wash his feet safely and silently watch cartoons there.

  My grandmother used to joke with me, "I would like to have you wash your feet. It's the most quiet time of the day except sleep." After washing my feet, I picked up the water and went out. "Thud?? "The wash-tub slammed on the door frame. Grandma added with wit: "if a heart patient lives in our house, you are scared to death long ago!"

  Wash feet now

  Already in fifth grade, I came to realize that I grew up.

  Many times, I learned to go to bed late. So when I washed my feet, grandma and grandpa slept.

  So I was careful to do any action, so as not to influence them to rest. The door was treated well. "You're like a kitten at night," she said with relief.

  I'm finally growing up! I have learned the love of others, and also know how to love others.










