
时间:2022-03-16 15:01:29 初二作文 我要投稿





  关于友情 About Friendship

  Since I came to middle school, I have made many friends and the lucky thing is that I meet my best friend. Her name is Lucy, we are in the same class. The first day I came to the class, I was so shy to meet the strange faces, then a girl asked me to sit down with her. We talked happily and she introduced other classmates to me. Lucy is a very nice girl. When I am in trouble, she will help me to solve it. I am so thankful to her, so I try to be a strong girl to return her. When she meets trouble, I will help her without hesitation. Friendship makes me stronger.



  现在的我 The Current Me

  Before I go to middle school, I was a lazy girl. I always forgot to do my homework. But since I became a middle school student, I realized that it was time for me to grow up. I needed to be mature. The first thing for me to do was to take care of myself. I learned to wash clothes and cook the basic food, so when my parents weren’t at home, I could solve the problem by myself. They no longer needed to worry about me. I feel so good about the present life. I can make my own decision and learn to be stronger. The progress I made helps me to be a better person.



  If we want to keep our bodies healthy, we must have a good habit. We should get up and go to bed early and sleep at least eight hours every day. Do more exercise, such as walking, swimming, playing balls and so on. We should also eat healthy food——more fruit and vegetables and less meat. If you don’t feel well, you’d better see a doctor at once. And we should wash our hands before meals and drink enough boiled water every day. It’s necessary for our health.

  We should not throw litter about, keep long fingernails and smoke etc. It’s also very important.


  如果我们想保持我们的身体健康,我们必须有一个良好的`习惯。我们应该起床,早早上床睡觉,每天至少八小时。多做运动,如散步,游泳,玩球等。我们还应该吃健康食品 - 水果和蔬菜,少吃肉类。如果你觉得不舒服,你最好去看医生。我们应该饭前洗手,每天喝足够的白开水。因此有必要为我们的健康。



  Dear Amy,


  Long time no see. How is everything going? I am writing to tell you a good new about me. I received my high school admission this morning. It is No.1 high school in my hometown. You know that it is my dream school. I am so excited to share this good news with you. You will be happy for me, right? Now, it is your turn. How about you? Have you receive you admission yet? Have you come back from your Guangzhou trip? I am eager to know your life recently. Look forward to your replying.

  很久不见。最近怎么样了?我写这封信给你是想告诉你我的.一个好消息。我今早收到高中入学通知书了。是我家乡的第一高中。你知道的,那是我梦想中的学校。我 真的很激动,所以急于跟你分享这个消息。你会为我感到高兴的,是吗?现在,该轮到你了。你怎么样了?收到通知书了吗?你的广州之旅结束了吗?我很想了解你 的近况。期待你的回信。

  Best wishes,

  Li Hui










