
时间:2023-11-11 08:32:27 英语作文 我要投稿




英语作文 篇1

  women are playing an increasingly important role in society. successful women such as government officials, scientists, athletes, teachers and doctors are found everywhere. we can say that many jobs which were done only by men in the past can be done equally well by women now. women are making their influence felt in all walks of life.

  with the changes in their social role, women’s position in the family has been improved as well. the husband is no longer the only economic provider of the family income and the wife is no longer economically dependent. the cope(妥善处理) with the problems of daily life together, and share happiness and sadness with each other.

  in spite of these changes, women still face many difficulties and obstacles(障碍) due to traditional roles and limited economic strength. in addition to fighting against the old ideas, the effort should be made to awake women to the prejudice(偏见), and encourage women to build their independent careers and realize their full potential.

英语作文 篇2

  我的.房子(my flat)

  my fiat is made up of eight rooms: one hall, one bathroom, one kitchen, one dining room, one living room, two bedrooms and one toilet. the hall faces the front door. when you come into my flat, you will first see the hall. the bathroom is on the right, and the toilet is on the left. in front of you, there are two doors. the left one leads to one of the bedrooms, and the right one leads to the living room. when you come into the living room, you will see two doors again. the left one leads to another bedroom, and the right one to the kitchen. the kitchen goes straight to the dining room. besides,there is also a balcony next to the living room and one of the bedrooms.


英语作文 篇3

  We Should not Have a Global Language

  It could be said that the incompletion of the tower of Babel results from different languages, which facilitates cultural diversity. But it is hard to fully understand each other if you speak a different tongue, so that is why some people advocate that we should establish a global language.

  In my opinion, it is not a good idea to establish a global language. First, language itself is part of a culture. The meaning of words in one language is endowed by their cultural context rather than dictionary definition. Second, it is hard to choose an existing language as our global language. The equality between cultures rules out the rationale that one language should be chosen over all the others. And last but not least, to create a brand-new and so-called "neutral language" is not desirable either. History has already proven the failure of the wide use of Esperanto.

  Indeed, a global language can save us a lot of time, money and energy currently devoted to translation and interpreting. But as I see it, such a cost is worthwhile to protect cultural diversity in the world. Just as Bertrand Russell said: "Diversity is essential to happiness". (195 words)

英语作文 篇4

  I was not able to get high marks when I was in primary school. Teachers didn’t like me because I was not a good student. Mother considered me as a bad kid. They hurt me by thinking I am a retarded child. But I am no fool. Almost all of my paintings were showed in public. Many famous artists had praised me for my paintings. They called me "little prodigy". And dad was on my side too.

  He encouraged me to do what I liked and what I thought was proper. He told me that interest is the best teacher, Dad did what he could to develop my talent fully. I believe that interest together with hard work will make me a successful artist in the near future.

英语作文 篇5

  No one in China has failed to notice that goods are wrapped(包装)in flaring (华美的,花哨的')boxes or bags. Taking a look around,we can find examples with ease:a small computer is packed in a thick and heavy(又厚又重)carton,clothes are putted in a well-designed plastic bags(塑料袋)which printed various kinds of patterns and colors and so on.

  What are the causes of this problem? On the one hand, in order to earn more economic gains(经济收益), a considerable number of (很多)manufactures usually wrap their products with unnecessary but appealing (吸引人的)materials aiming at attracting customer’s attention , arousing their curiosity and then stimulating their purchasing desire (吸引顾客的注意力并引发他们的好奇心). On the other hand, quite a few customers believe that the more delicate the package seems,the superior the quality will be(包装越精美,产品质量就越好),the notion has also encouraged the trend of excessive packaging. However, the emergence of excessive package(过度包装) has given rise to(导致)many undesirable consequences that can’t be neglected (不容忽视). For one thing,it is a waste of precious and limited natural resources,which will thus pose underlying (潜在的) threat to our offspring generation(子孙后代). For another, customers are often deceived by artificial external packing rather than being provided with high-quality goods .

  To change this situation, I think we should take the following measures. First, laws must be made and implemented to impose restriction on (实行限制) excessive packaging. Second, a public education campaign should be launched to arouse customers’ consciousness (意识) that packaging doesn’t equal to quality, and also let them know the bad impact of it. Only in this way can we put an end to this trend (结束这种趋势).

英语作文 篇6

  In the May 12, 20xx, in the Chuan Wenchuan, since 1949 than have taken place in Tangshan earthquake also serious natural disasters - 7.8 earthquake. So far, since the advent of the disaster, the death toll reached 28,000 people, injured 190,000 people, this figure could not imagine, the site slowly climbing the figures, it is Jiuxin, is sad.

  The earthquake, heavy casualties, countless people lost their lives. Some of the children, lost their parents and some parents lost their sons and daughters, who Shanranleixia after the earthquake, those who have lost the most beloved of the people, mind infinite grief

  After the disaster, our beloved Premier Wen Jiabao personally to the hardest hit earthquake relief command, to visit people in disaster areas, a sentence of concern words, the warm comfort of a sentence, so immersed in grief of people get a glimmer of consolation; our beloved The President Hu Jintao immediately deployed to save lives as soon as possible, arrangements for victims of life. Clearly, our national leaders for this earthquake very seriously.

  It is not only national leaders concerned about the disaster, the people of the whole country into the earthquake relief in the struggle, all provinces have organized a rescue team to disaster area transport relief supplies. To donate their children a Yasui Qian, even those of persons with disabilities also donate their own living expenses. China Life Insurance, Bank of China, triple in the Division……, and other enterprises have also donated money. We have also contributions to the school teachers and students, people across the country have donated money to more than 600,000 yuan.

  1 letters from all over the country sent a letter, a sum of money in total are integrated into each individual's love. Every person and every all in all a sum of money into each of the casualties caused by the earthquake of concern. 100 yuan, 50 yuan, 200 yuan, 400 yuan…… everyone around the country have sacrificed their own in a loving, have sacrificed their own compatriots love. Each warming can love a person's soul.

  In those far the hardest hit of my friends, please do not worry, every one of us will pray for you, you pray safe and healthy through this disaster.

  This time of the earthquake in China has lost hundreds of millions of good, but it can not explain what to prove that China is strong to win the Chinese people's unity, the spirit of Xinlian Xin, who is now bogged down in the end to the relatives, not sad, not to give up, Refueling, to overcome all!

  This disaster is natural to us a test, we must be firm, to tide over their difficulties!

英语作文 篇7

  Leaders, teachers, Dear students:


  Today, I would like to Jiehuaxianfo for our 18-year-old Chang Yishou hymn.

  When I was small, as is always the innocent, as the naive, always thought that rely on their talent, even if the seeds of a stone, can harvest a towering mountains. 18-year-old boarded the stage, only to realize that ideal, it is also necessary so many reality the soil; success on the road, not always flower shop, there are annoying wind and rain, the thorn thorns…… but you fear The right· The retreat?· No, boarded the 18-year-old level, we should more than ever that the rolling passage of time. Years hurry, do you really willing to make a hasty passing through· New young, do you really willing to life Rumeng·

  Distressed pessimistic days, flowers few days, have asked as she gazed up days, Mingming Zhong, also reminds me of my mother that tremble: the wind outside, to go home earlier. Yes, the great wind outside, rain also Henji. But I no longer afraid, because I have a 18-year-old. Although my shoulders immature, but my mind, there are a brilliant sun!

  18-year-old, to understand a truth: there are flowers have opened charged, a person from there; 18-year-old, remember that truth: only two forgotten the gains and losses, will be persistent pursuit, the storm Jiancheng; Chongrubujing only people who can Forget the two gains and losses, go forward; 18-year-old, and that token, engraved in mind,success and failure,tears and a smile, because we have a 18-year-old. 18-year-old, this fire, like the age ah! Failure and danger but also my

英语作文 篇8

  Look! This is my classroom.It’s very big.The doors are orange.The wall is white.There are two beautiful pictures on the wall.The fans are green and blue.The board is black. The shelf is near the board.There are many books on the shelf.The desks and chairs are brown.There are many classmates in the classroom.They are reading books.My classroom is very nice and clean.I like my classroom.










