
时间:2023-11-13 16:29:44 英语作文 我要投稿




我的家乡英语作文 篇1

  My hometown is a small village located in the mountains.It is surrounded by lush hills and woods with a brook running through it.This is where children often frolic.The buildings in the village are old in appearance but peaceful.In the middle is a square,where there is a big tree,under which the elderly often meet drinking tea or chatting.Everyone looks satisfied and happy,which is also true of other villagers.I love my hometown,and I hope it may be as beautiful as ever.


我的家乡英语作文 篇2

  My hometown - Yang Village, is a very beautiful is very beautiful place, especially in spring and autumn season, is much more beautiful!

  Came to the spring, young trees are covered with buds, grass full of flowers grass, flowers everywhere, there are red, yellow, purple, white... , the breeze blowing gently, like a voice in the say "hello" with us, the grass out small head, butterflies flying in the air, like a spring so the niang in the dance. The birds are singing cheerful songs for the children. The stream of water on the bottom, you could see the fish in the river on the...

  Fall, fruit tree full of fruit, in the distance, the apple tree little sister ate a big apple, in the face with a smile of joy, face is red, like a big apple. In other under the tree, there are the children playing cheerful, some in the play skip rope, some are playing catch people, some are playing hide-and-seek, and playing touch people. The wind blow, like autumn girl in lovely children to wipe the sweat...

  Ah! My hometown is beautiful! I love my hometown, love the hometown of the spring and autumn!





我的家乡英语作文 篇3

  My hometown is Changle,it's a really interesting city with a very colorful history.Long long ago,here is really beautiful,the sky is blue ,the river is clean and the trees are green .

  But now ,becase of the more and more factories ,the natrue was polluted..The sky wasen't blue anymore,the river became dirty and there was fewer and fewer trees..So ,the people in my hometown felt very sad..We all want to have a beatiful environment .Includes clean air ,clean river!

  However,what should we do?So ,we must protect the natrue.We shoulden't throw wastes in the river or on the road.Of couse ,we also shuld ask a part of the so many factories to move to other areas.After that we should plant more trees,clean the road and the river.In my opionion ,as a intellectual,we also should tell other people to protect our hometown!

  I hope our city could be more and more beautiful!The sky could be blue again,the river cluld be clean again ,the trees could be green again!

我的家乡英语作文 篇4

  My hometown is a place of agricultural products is very rich. For example: a delicious banana, orange juice taste more beauty and eat papaya can keep word beauty... Etc.

  At present, the township Po is toward diversified development, agricultural products actively improved crops. For example: the yam yam noodle is made; Made of stone and stone lotus lotus tea, let love beautiful people raise colour and beauty, also can fill gas, really serve several; Luffa affordable and economical and practical, the farmers think of opportunely made of sponge gourd dew, can beauty, both natural and environmental protection.

  The Po township, in addition to food and sweet fruit taste every, you must not miss contact with beautiful scenery of nature and natural hot springs. If you want to preserve one's health, remember to bubble, a bubble hot spring, a breath of fresh air, by the way, let your body and mind immersed in the embrace of nature. In addition, you can come green surplus farm, can appreciate the farm, a rare animals or close to kerry, sat on a big lawn grass, by the way, enjoy the breeze blowing face, enjoy the evening sunset, this is really a enjoy life.

  Can live in this beautiful place, I will hold dear, and villagers to do a good job of environmental protection, efforts to recommend home characteristics. If you come to Po township, please be sure to feel her good.



  到了埔乡,除了品尝每位的食品和香甜的水果之外,你一定不能错过接触大自然的美好风景和天然温泉。如果你要养生,记得到温泉泡一泡,顺便呼吸一下新鲜的空气,让自己的身心陶醉在大自然的怀抱中。另外,还可以来一趟绿盈农场,欣赏农场里稀有的动物或是可以亲近小乳牛,顺便坐 在一片绿茵的大草地上,享受微风吹过脸庞的感觉,欣赏傍晚晚霞,这真是人生一大享受。


我的家乡英语作文 篇5

  On the morning of August 18, 20xx, my father and three uncles sat with a sister for about a day and came to Chengde from pingdu. As you all know, Chengde is famous for Mountain Resort, and going to Chengde, of course, to visit Mountain Resort.

  Come to the front of Mountain Resort, tour guide aunt told us: "Mountain Resort area is 3/2 of Chengde city.". Also, we see that there is no "Mountain Resort" above the "avoid" words, plus a horizontal." I asked: "why?" the aunt said: "this is because the year of emperor Qian Long, the idea is not to summer, but avoid a disease --" smallpox ", he is afraid of people gossiping, so to avoid the word with a cross."

  Entering the village, Mountain Resort is a royal palace, which is used by the emperor for summer, training and hunting. It is divided into four parts: mountains, plains, palaces and lakes.

  The mountain area, where the emperors used to hunt, was taken by a mountain bike. We came to the two road, overlooking the Chengde city saw a small Potala Palace this is not Tibet Potala Palace down at the top, but the proportion of early Potala Palace in Tibet 5:1 construction. Then we go by car to the "limbo" (the cool that out of limbo).

  Lake lake here is the world's shortest Lake in Rehe, the river throughout the year does not freeze so called rehe. When the Qing Dynasty Rehe province because of the river.

  To the plain area, which is the vast grassland boundless, we only stay in the periphery for some time to go.

  The last one is the palace, the palace area is located in the southern end of the Mountain Resort, is the emperor of the Qing Dynasty, dealing with affairs of state held festivals and live. Including the "Palace" and "cranes" and "myriad pines" and "East" four groups of buildings. The palace is the palace area of the main building, including 9 courtyards, divided into "former" and "sleep" in two parts. The temple is called "worldly desires Keswick", is built with precious Phoebe, it is also called Phoebe hall. This is the local governance of the Qing emperor, have a grand ceremony held here.

  We stayed at a three-star hotel in the evening and I didn't feel cool in Mountain Resort because of the name of the heat mountain resort.

我的家乡英语作文 篇6

  Everyone has their own home, of course, I am no exception, about my hometown, it is a beautiful place, here, my first secrecy with you.

  The snacks in my hometown, it's really delicious and delicious. You see! Hot and dry noodles delicious, the sesame is so sweet! There are delicious weeks black duck, delicious bean, sweet soup...... If you are a greedy person, don't miss here.

  The places of interest in my hometown are too many and too famous. Like the Guqin Taiwan Ya and his memorial, the magnificent Yellow Crane Tower, visit friends favorite places of historic interest and scenic beauty must come to see oh!

  My hometown, a lot of fun. Happy Valley, polar sea world...... Playful friends, must come!

  My hometown, but the beautiful Jiangcheng. The river flows from us to the sea, and because of this, there are many bridges across the river. The Yangtze River Bridge, bridge, Lake Bridge, white sandbar bridge, parrot bridge...... By night, the lights were shining and the "iron dragon" was so beautiful! Jianghan divides Wuhan into three towns, also known as Wuhan cities: Hankou, Hanyang, Wuchang. It's wonderful to take a bench, sit by the river bank, catch fish, or swim! Moreover, we are still a large central city with a population of ten million, and now the light rail is open and the traffic is more convenient!

  I love my hometown. My hometown is especially good for planting. Wherever you are, you can see lush trees and bright flowers. It's really comfortable to live here!

  I love my hometown, love its delicious snacks; I love my hometown, love its places of interest; I love my hometown!










