
时间:2023-12-05 13:21:43 英语作文 我要投稿
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英语作文400字 篇1

  An interesting dream_有趣的梦英语

  One night, I made an interesting dream. I went to the dragon castle, where HeXiYang sheep became good friends, we sat on the rocket, body QingYouYou just flew on the day. We went to the heaven, he saw a lot of stars to greet us, they are like a little angel with pairs of lovely wings. Sister moon swing, with us astronauts come to play hide and seek with us. When we are have a good time, I do not know from where the wind blow me down, I open my eyes days lit up. Ah... The original is a dream! Wish to do such a dream, also can go to heaven.

英语作文400字 篇2

  Miss Qin is my favorite teacher. She teaches us Chinese. She is lovely lady in her thirty-two years old. Her warm smile and black long hair are her symbols. My classmates like her very much, because she is always kind to us.

  In my view, she is a wise teacher. She tells us many stories to us. It seems she knows everything. Besides, she writes good articles. She tells us if we want to write good articles, we should read books as much as we can. She always cares much about us.

  I think this is important for a good teacher.

英语作文400字 篇3

  Autumn, rice has matured in the paddy field, in a glance, seems to spread all over the floor of gold, and the farmer uncle one by one to pick up the "gold" in their field. The breeze blowing, golden ocean layers has moved.

  Fruitful tree is decorated with their "success" : persimmon tree, far see like hang up red lanterns. Persimmon you squeeze me, as if to say: "pick me, pick me, my flesh is sweet." Zizyphus jujube tree, zizyphus jujube fell all over the floor, people hurriedly picked up, I picked up a bite, good acid! Vineyard vines have purple black, like the black pearl, to eat into his mouth a sour, sweet, let a person forget the taste.

英语作文400字 篇4

  I love spring, spring has a fragrant and pleasant fragrance, it is every year to come, because it let us put the heavy jacket off, because it makes the trees wake up; because it makes the earth wearing bright, green and beautiful clothes.

  In my childhood, I lived in a small village where spring air is fresh, flowers and grass are flourishing, colorful, trees are flourishing, and leaves of trees are beginning to come out.

  My family is all in the spring. My mother knitted sweaters, my father planted fields, my grandfather planted vegetables, grandma cooked, and sometimes it made warm and warm. I sometimes help you.

  My favorite season is spring, because spring brings us happiness.

英语作文400字 篇5

  Dear Lily:

  I think you had better feed a hamster,the trediest kind of pet these days is the small hamster. People like them because they are quiet and clean. I have a hamster named Tom,it’s very cute and easy to take care of,and it’s cheaper than rabbits or cats,so I bought it. She’s my best company,because she reads books and litens to music with me every night.However,life with a hamster isn’t always perfect,she sometimes noisy at night ,she love sleep all day,too. So,sometimes she is very boring! How do you think?

英语作文400字 篇6

  today is the first day of the chinese new year. i wear a new sweater and shoes. some one always take the presents and smile at every one. they wear red clothes.

  you can play the firework but don’t play in the room. we can eat many chinese food ,zong-zi,jiao-zi…. today may be a good day,because many marry—cars running in the street.

  older people always say today we must eat many good luck food.













