
时间:2022-07-03 20:25:35 英语作文 我要投稿




学好英语作文 篇1


  记得大学一年级时,上计算机课,有一次,我带了个光碟去机房,想把课本后的答案抄下来交作业,结果老师发现了,勒令我把光碟退出来,当时也不知道是紧张吧(借口),因为我却不知道从主界面退出,要按EXIT 按钮,其实exit是生活中常见的一个单词了,什么消防通道......了,我的手忙脚乱,让老师极力的鄙视了一下,这个都不会,还学什么英语,装啥还看碟,就好是一个文盲反着看报纸,当时我的脸就像喝了两斤二锅头!真的哑口无言........ 时至今日,悲剧又重演了.........

  昨天我到公司复印资料,怎么就搞不出来了,液晶屏幕上显示了大致意思是关闭右边的出纸口,同事过来帮忙,冷笑了一下说了句“中国的`教育很成问题啊”!!!!心理已经接近崩溃的底线 要学英语,我要像地铁上那些能很开心的与老外交流的人一样,学好外语,我再也不想让别人嘲笑我是个文盲了!


学好英语作文 篇2






学好英语作文 篇3

  English is important and useful to us.How can we learn it well?Here is some advice.

  I think listening can help,so you can listen to english songs on the readio and repeat the difficult words.If you usually forget a lot of the new words.You can slways write the new words in your notebook.And you can ever study on the subway on the subway or bus on the way to school or home .If you can't understand what people are saying.You can join an english language club to practice speaking English.I thing English can help you.

  Last,i hope you can learn English be better.

学好英语作文 篇4

  Learning English is important for me. When I first came to the United States of America, I found out the importance of knowing English. Whenever I went to a market to buy food, to a post office to mail a letter, or to take a bus to the bank, I had to communicate in English or things would not go smoothly. The two most important reasons for learning English for me are it is for my future goal and I want to continue my studies.

  First, it is for my future goal. I want to be a professional ESL teacher. I used to learn English in my country for several years but when I came to the United States, I found that my English was still very poor. Many times I couldn't understand what Americans were talking about and they couldn't understand me either. The bad pronunciation was embarrassing me but in China people didn't care about this. Some people call this Chinese English. Now in China ESL teachers are very welcome by young people, business men, and students. In big cities, a lot of private schools supply English remedial courses. Students must learn English from middle school to high school. I think now in China being an ESL teacher is a good job foe me.

  Second, I want to continue my studies. I believe that a person who lives needs to learn. Whether it is one language or other things. I want to improve my English I can imagine that when I can speak English very well, how proud I am. I am also interested in learning the custom of United States, watching the United States movies, reading books, talking to Americans, and touring United States. I think if I get a degree from the United States it will be good for my future whatever I stay in the U.S or return to my country. I am thankful that I have a chance to continue my studies in the U.S.

  In conclusion, it is important for me to learn English for my future goal. It is also important because I want to continue my studies by learning English. I can do this. In fact, learning English is the answer to a lot of things that I need and want.










